StepSetGo App Loot
StepSetGo App Loot – Every step you take is rewarded with SSG Coins. These SSG Coins can be used to get products/discounts/services in the BAZAAR without spending any ACTUAL MONEY!
SSG App is will motivate you to walk & stay fit, Each step will give your points which you can collect & Redeem your favorite gift once you have collected enough SSG Coins on the app.

Also See- PayBox Loot- Get Rs20 Paytm Cash on SignUp + Rs5/Refer
How to Avail StepSetGo App Loot?
- Download StepSetGo App from below Link
- Once Downloaded > Sign up / Continue with Facebook
- Enter your Name, DOB if you didn’t continue with FB
- Verify your Mobile Number by entering the OTP Received
- Use Invite Code as – ‘abhishe7g4‘
- Now Give all the Required Permissions to the App
- That’s it! You are ready to Walk & Refer friends on StepSetGo App!
StepSetGO Coin System-
- 1 Refer = 5 Coins
- 1000 Indoor steps = 1 Coin
- 800 Out door steps = 1 Coin
Hack: You dont need to walk also, you can shake the phone to increase Steps & Also all your actual steps will also contribute!
Understanding Levels in StepSetGo App-
There are different levels on SSG App, Each level allows you to earn specific number of coins only & Each Level Up will allow you to earn An Additional 5 Coins!
Means Level 1 = Max 5 Coin by Walking, Level 2 = Max 10 & So on
In order to Level Up- Just Reach the Limit 3 Days in a Row
How to Be Safe from Downgrades– Stay in ‘Safe Zone’, If you didn’t reach the safe zone target 3 days in a row, You will be downgraded!
Redeeming Gifts-
Below are some of the prizes which this app offers their Users, In order to redeem you need to earn More & More Coins & Walk to reach your Goal.
In order to see the prizes or Redeem the prize, Goto Bazaar Tab in the App-
1) Rs 100 Amazon GV – 300 Coins
2) Amazon Echo Dot – 2000 Coins
3) Mi Band HRX – 2000 Coins
4) Play Station 4 – 8000 Coins
5) iPhone XR – 15000 Coins
Invite & Earn
- Invite friends on SSG App & Get 5 Coins per Refer
- Refer Coins is credited instantly once your friend sign up’s using your invite code on the App
- You can Refer a maximum of 50 friends in a month
Invite code gtaxpe6rsj
I kinda found a cheat
Not yet, just shake the phone to get some steps counted :p
Use my referral code for 10 coins….
Is there any cheats